Implicit Function Theorem

Level Set

Let f be a real valued function, cR is a fixed constant


Implicit Function Theorem part 1

The existence of a 0 level set of a non-linear function.
Let F:SRn+kRk be C1. Write points in Rn+k as x,y, where x in Rn and yRk Define the partial derivative matrices:


Assume F(a,b)=0 and detDyF(a,b)0. Then, there exist neighbourhoods around aRn and bRk such that for each x near a, there exists a unique y=g(x) near b satisfying


This implies that y can be expressed as a function of x locally.

Implicit Function Theorem part 2

We can find the derivative or our implicit function where:



Assume F(x,y)=F(x,g(x))=0Let G=(x,g(x))(x1,,xn)(x1,,xn,g(x))

by chain rule

D(FG)(x)=DF(G(x)) DG(x)=[DxFFy][10001000Gx1Gx2Gxn]=[DzFFy][InDg]0=setDxF(x,g(x))+Fy(x,g(x))[Dg(x)]since constant level set 

isolate Dg(x) and we're done.