Vector Space Axioms

A (real) vector space is a triple (V,+,), where V is a set and (+,) are operations. In particular, +:V×VV is called vector addition, while :R×VV is called scalar multiplication. When u,vV and cR, we denote these operations as u+v and cv=cv. These two operators must satisfy the following properties:

  1. Closure of addition For all u,vV, u+vV

  2. Commutativity of addition For all u,vV, u+v=v+u

  3. Associativity of addition For all u,v,wV, (u+v)+w=u+(v+w)

  4. Existence of an additive identity There exists an element 0V such that u+0=0+u=u for all uV

  5. Existence of an additive inverse For all uV, there exists an element uV such that u+(u)=(u)+u=0

  6. Closure of scalar multiplication For all uV and cR, cuV

  7. Associativity of scalar multiplication If uV and c,dR, then (cd)u=c(du)

  8. Compatibility If u,vV and c,dR, then c(u+v)=cu+cv and (c+d)u=cu+du

  9. Action of the multiplicative identity For any vV, 1v=v