Linear Independence

Given a vector space V and a finite set S={v1,v2,,vn}, S is linear independent if the only solution to i=1nciv1=0 occurs when c1=c2==cn=0

Thm: Unique Linear Combinations

If V is a vector space and S={v1,vn} then S is linearly independent if and only if wspan(S) there is a unique set of ci,i=1,,n such that w=incivi

Thm: Fundamental Theorem

if V is a vector space and S is a spanning set and T is linearly independent then |T||S|
by Exchange Theorem

Thm: Exchange Theorem

If wspan{v1,,vn} then i{1,,n} s.t span{v1,,vn} = span{v1,,vi1,w,vi+1,,vn}