
A matrix is diagonalizable if:

  1. it admits n linearly independent eigenvectors (an eigenbasis)
  2. the matrix's eigenvalues have equal algebraic (# of times in the characteristic polynomial) and geometric multiplicities (number of linearly independent eigenvectors for a given eigenvalue)
Def: Eigenvector

If T: VV is a linear operator and eigenvector of T is a non-zero vV s.t T(v)=λv and λ is its associated eigenvalue.

Def: determinant, trace, characteristic polynomial of a linear transformation

V is a fdvs with basis B and T is a linear operator.

  1. det(T) = det([T]B)
  2. tr(T) = tr([T]B)
  3. pT(λ)= det([Tλid]B)
Thm: These do not depend on Basis

pf uses change of basis
example det(PAP1)= det(A)

Thm: Isomorphism and Determinant

Isomorphism then T1T=I
det(I) = 1 so det(T)×1det(T)=1
which is not possible if det(T) = 0

det(T)=0 [T] is invertible

Thm: Eigenvectors and Basis

If V is fdvs and T: VV is linear:

vV is an eigenvector for any basis B [v]B is an eigenvector of [T]B

Thm: Eigenvectors and Diagonizability

T: VV is diagonalizable there is a basis B of eigenvectors of T
